Have you ever had one of those days or weeks where the enemy takes all his arrows out of his quiver and starts firing one after the other? And before you can even recognize what is happening, you have suffered some injuries to your heart, some wounds to your mind?
Well I sure have and one day last week was definitely one of "those" days. I was sitting at my dining room table filling out multiple adoption agency applications when the enemy started firing.
Proof of funds? Net worth? Financial Plan?
I could feel the stress mounting and the tears welling up in my eyes. Satan knows my weaknesses - the spots where I am most vulnerable to his attacks. MONEY!!
Then enters my Mighty Warrior, my Abba Father, my Shield! Oh how I love how He fights for me, protects me, and bandages my wounds.
Listen to my truth and hold tight to my promises to you. What I say I will do. I am faithful. I am a promise-keeper. Trust Me!
And I respond with a Yes Lord, help me trust you. Help me hold to your promises. Then He began taking truths that He had planted in my heart over the past year and connecting them all together to show me the bigger picture.
Full obedience.
"You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed." Ps. 119:4
So many times I try to get away with partial obedience, but that is really only complete disobedience. God expects me to obey fully what He has called me to do. Full obedience takes me out of my comfort zone most of the time and gets in the way of My plan for My life!
But I choose to fully obey my Master, my King because I love Him and fear Him.
Walk in expectancy.
Walk in a way that expects the Lord to act on His promises. Too many times, like this night, I stand frozen in fear of the what-ifs or the mountain in front of me that seems impossible to move. God says, "We live by faith and not by sight," walk in faith that I can move mountains.
At just the right time.
God's time is always the right time...He is never at the wrong time! His time is the right time. He steps in at just the right time, He delivers at just the right time, He speaks at just the right time, He rescues at just the right time, and He provides at just the right time! Oh if I could only get that truth planted deep deep into my heart and mind, I would be stressed and worried a lot less!
Jehovah Jireh.
I have always known this name to mean "The Lord who Provides" and yes it definitely does mean exactly that but last year He began to reveal more about this name to me. I came to realize that it also means "The Lord who Sees" which really confused me but after study and the Holy Spirit opening up my eyes I got it. The Lord sees our needs before they are even known to us and therefore provides what we need. He sees me! He sees my needs and longs to provide for me!
So when He kept saying this name over and over again here lately I knew He had more in this name for me. I started my study again and praying that my eyes would be open to what He had in store for me.
Well there is more to His name - Jehovah Jireh.
This name can also be translated "The Lord will be seen." His provision for me is out of His great love for me but it is ultimately so that He can be seen and given the glory!
Oh He continues to remind me that it is not about me, but all about Him! We will be tried and tested, but in the hour of our great need God will see us. Seeing our need, He will provide for us and He will be seen in the provision He makes.
"Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness."
Ps. 115:1
Full obedience - Walk with expectancy - At just the right time - Jehovah Jireh
Lord thank you for speaking your truth into my life and opening my eyes to more of you!
October 21, 2011
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Ah! God is so Faithful! He will do what He says He will do! The only tool the devil has against us is causing us to doubt and question God, but you are a conqueror in JESUS' NAME!!!